Snow Trac
A Swedish designer Lars Larsson working for AB Westeråsmaskiner, designed the Snow Trac originally for him and his Brother to go on fishing trips in the winter. AB Westeråsmaskiner put his snow vehicle into production in 1957, with its unique steering mechanism called a variator that allows the steering of a tracked vehicle to use a traditional automotive steering wheel instead of levers. Manufactured between 1957 to 1981 in Sweden, it’s powered by a Volkswagen flat 4 industrial boxer-style engine earlier variants had the 36hp engine later models were fitted with the 54hp engine, it runs on two large rubber tracks suitable for deep snow or soft ground. The Snow Trac was used successfully by NATO forces during the cold war, are variant was used by the British Royal Marines. being replaced by the 4-track amphibious articulated Volvo BV202 Bandvagn 202, and those were later replaced by a more evolved Hägglunds BV206 Bandvagn 206.