CVRT Sultan, 92 KB 20

The CVRT Sultan, 92 KB 20, entered service in the early 1970’s as a direct replacement for the Saracen Command Vehicle as it offered increased speed and agility. Our vehicle was used by the Royal Engineers bomb disposal unit in the first Gulf war, in 1991.

Being fitted with a higher roof than other APC variants gives it a more comfortable ‘office space’ inside which includes a large, vertical map board and desk along one side with a bench seat for three people facing it, forward of this are provisions for a radio operator and the vehicle commander who sits on a seat which can be raised to give access to a pintle mounted G.P.M.G. The driver sits forward of this position in a small compartment next to the engine bay.


One 7.62mm General Purpose Machine Gun and two smoke dischargers fitted too the front of the vehicle


The Engine is a Jaguar J60 4.2 litre in-line 6 cylinder petrol coupled to a TN15X cross drive hot shift 7 speed gearbox, giving the vehicle a top speed in excess of 50 mph. Although in later models a Cummins BTA 5.9 litre diesel engine was fitted.


CVRT Sultan, 92 KB 20



Torsion Bar Type suspension

The suspension is of the torsion type and consists of five pairs of road wheels each side with the drive sprocket at the front and idler at the rear.


The Sultan Command Post C.V.R.T (Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance Tracked) is kitted out with a variety of maps, radios and antenna masts, as well as an additional “penthouse” that extends from the rear of the vehicle when set up in a static position. The penthouse is basically a special frame tent that extends from the rear of the Sultan. The vehicle crew can consist of up to six including the Driver, Commander, Radio Operator, Clerks, Staff members etc.